2.- SOME
7.- PAU WRITINGS. Useful guidelines
8.- A lot of links to interesting websites
8.- A lot of links to interesting websites
Would you like to send an SMS in English? Here is a list with useful characters and their meanings:
- & - and
- 0 - nothing
- 2 - two, to, too
- 2DAY - today
- A - a / an
- B - be
- B4 - before
- BC - because
- BF - boyfriend
- BK - back
- BRO - brother
- BT - but
- C - see
- D8 - date
- DNR - dinner
- EZ - easy
- F8 - fate
- GF - girlfriend
- GR8 - great
- HOLS - holidays
- HV - have
- I - I, it
- Its - it is
- KDS - kids
- L8 - late
- L8R - later
- M8 - mate
- NE1 - anyone
- PLS - please
- PS - parents
- QT - cutie
- R - are
- SIS - sister
- SKOOL - school
- SMMR - summer
- U - you
- WR - were
- A3 - anyplace, anytime, anywhere
- ASAP - as soon as possible
- B4N - Bye for now
- BAU - business as usual
- BRB - I'll be right back.
- BTW - by the way
- CUL - see you later
- CWOT - complete waste of time
- FTF - face to face
- FYI - for your information
- GMTA - great minds think alike
- HAND - have a nice day
- HRU - how are you
- ICBW - it could be worse
- IDTS - I don't think so
- IMHO - in my humble opinion
- IYKWIM - if you know what I mean
- JK - just kidding
- KOTC - kiss on the cheek
- LOL - laughing out loud
- LSKOL - long slow kiss on the lips
- LTNS - long time no see
- Luv U - I love you.
- Luv U2 - I love you too.
- MON - the middle of nowhere
- MTE - my thoughts exactly
- MU - I miss you.
- MUSM - I miss you so much.
- NP - no problem
- OIC - oh, I see
- PC&QT - peace and quiet
- PCM - please call me
- ROTFL - rolling on the floor laughing
- RUOK - are you ok?
- THNQ - thank you
- U4E - you forever
- UROK - you are okay
- WUCIWUG - what you see is what you get
- WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get
- XLNT - exellent
- :-) smiling
- :-* kiss
- :-)) very happy
- :-0 shocked
- :") blushing
- :-| :-| deja vu
- (_x_) kiss my arse/butt
- <:3 )~ mouse
- :@) pig
- :’-) tears of laughter
- :-P stick tongue out
- :-(*) you make me sick
- x-( you are mad
- :-" whistling
- ;-) wink
- :-@ screaming
- O:-) saintly
1.b Conditional,Reported Speech,Passive Voice,Connectors etc
http://www.saberingles.com.ar/lists/irregular-verbs.html Lista verbos irregulares TRADUCIDA
To practise your irregular verbs
Be was/were been ser, estar
Become became become llegar a ser, convertirse
Begin began begun empezar, comenzar
brought traer, llevar
Build built built construir
Buy bought bought comprar
Can could been able (to) poder, saber, ser capaz
Catch caught caught coger, atrapar
Choose chose chosen elegir, escoger
Come came come venir
Cost cost cost costar
Do did done hacer
Draw drew drawn dibujar
Drink drank drunk beber
Drive drove driven conducir
Dwell dwelt/dwelled dwelt/dwelled habitar
Eat ate eaten comer
Fall fell fallen caer
Feed fed fed alimentar
Find found found encontrar
Fly flew flown volar, pilotar
Get got got obtener, conseguir
Give gave given dar
Go went gone ir
Have had had tener, haber
Hear heard heard oír, escuchar
Hit hit hit golpear
Hold held held sostener, agarrar
Keep kept kept mantener, seguir ( haciendo )
Know knew known saber, conocer
Learn learnt learnt aprender
Leave left left marcharse, abandonar
Lose lost lost perder
Make made made hacer, fabricar
Mean meant meant significar, querer decir
met met
conocer, encontrarse con algu
Put put put poner, colocar
Read read read leer
Run ran run correr
Say said said decir
See saw seen ver
Send sent sent enviar
Shoot shot shot disparar
Sing sang sung cantar
Sit sat sat sentarse
Sleep slept slept dormir
Speak spoke spoken hablar
Spell spelt/spelled spelt/spelled deletrear
spent spent
pasar (tiempo), gastar (dinero)
Spin spun spun girar, dar vueltas
Stand stood stood permanecer, estar de pie
Stick stuck stuck pegar(se)
Swim swam swum nadar
Swing swung swung balancearse, columpiarse
Take took taken coger, llevar
Tell told told decir, contar
Think thought thought pensar, creer
Understand understood understood entender, comprender
wore worn
usar( ropa ), llevar puesto
Win won won ganar
Write wrote written escribir
Algunas expresiones y frases agrupadas por palabras claves
(A contribution by Ángela López)
as | as a rule / as usual / as a matter of fact / … |
at | at a loss / at least / at large / at length / … |
beyond | beyond question / beyond doubt / … |
by | by all means / by and large / by chance / … |
down | down and out / down to earth / … |
for | for certain / for free / for good / for once / … |
from | from now on / from scratch / from side to side / … |
in | in a hurry / in advance / in abeyance / in brief / … |
of | of age / of late / of course / of benefit / … |
off | off and on / off duty / off guard / off season / … |
on | on and on / on behalf of / on duty / on foot / … |
out | out and about / out cold / out of breath / out of hand / … |
over | over and over / over the hill / over the top / … |
so | so far / so long / so much / so to speak / … |
to | to and fro / to date / to some extent / to the letter / … |
under | under arrest / under control / under the counter / … |
up | up and around / up and away / up front / up in years / … |
when | when least expected / when the chips are down / … |
Algunas expresiones y frases agrupadas por verbos claves
to be | to be on the carpet / to be slow on the uptake / … |
to beat | to beat around the bush / to beat the rap / … |
to bite | to bite the bullet / to bite the dust / … |
to blow | to blow a fuse / to blow the lid off / … |
to break | to beak even / to break loose / to break the news / … |
to bring | to bring down the house / to bring home the bacon / … |
to call | to call a spade a spade / to call it a day / … |
to carry | to carry the ball / to carry the torch for / … |
to cast | to cast doubt on / to cast the first stone / … |
to catch | to catch red-handed / to catch off guard / … |
to come | to come alive / to come clean / to come to an end / … |
to cut | to cut class / to cut corners / to cut the chase / … |
to do | to do a double take / to do one's duty / to do the trick / … |
to draw | to draw fire / to draw a blank / to draw the line / … |
to drop | to drop a bombshell / to drop a line / to drop a brick / … |
to eat | to eat crow / to eat dirt / to eat one's words / … |
to fall | to fall asleep / to fall in love / to fall into place / … |
to get | to get a break / to get a grasp of / to get a raw deal / … |
to give | to give birth to / to give chase / to give rise to / … |
to go | to go astray / to go broke / go at it / to go bad / … |
to hang | to hang loose / to hang tough / to hang by a thread / … |
to have | to have a big mouth / to have a word with / … |
to hold | to hold a grudge against / to hold court / to hold good / … |
to jump | to jump all over someone / to jump the gun / … |
to keep | to keep a stright face / keep one's cool / … |
to lay | to lay an egg / to lay low / to lay waste to / … |
to let | to let off steam / to let bygones be bygones / … |
to lose | to lose face / to lose one's cool / to lose heart / … |
to make | to make a fuss / to make a fool / to make a killing / … |
to pay | to pay one's dues / to pay through the nose / … |
to play | to play fair / to play hooky / to play it safe / … |
to pull | to pull a boner / to pull oneself together / … |
to put | to put an end to / put on airs / to put the blame on / … |
to run | to run a risk of / run an errand / to run low on / … |
to set | to set fire to / set one`s mind at rest / to set sail / … |
to stand | to stand a chance of / to stand to reason / … |
to take | to take place / to take a bow / to take pride in / … |
to throw | to throw a fit / to throw in the towel / … |
to turn | turn a blind eye to / to turn one's back on / … |
You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours – Hoy por mí, mañana por ti
For foolish talk, deaf ears – A palabras necias, oídos sordos
The early bird catches the worm – A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda
To beat around the bush – Andarse por las ramas
Bottoms up! – Arriba, abajo, al centro, y para adentro
To each his own – Cada oveja con su pareja
Money talks – Con dinero baila hasta el perro
When the cat’s away, the mice will play – Cuando el gato se sale, los ratones se pasean
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire – Cuando el río suena, agua lleva
From now on – De aquí en adelante
Easier said than done – Del dicho a hecho hay mucho trecho
He who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword – Quien a hierro mata a hierro muere
As quick as a wink – En menos que canta un gallo
The sooner, the better – Cuanto antes, mejor
He’s just a bag full of surprises – Ser una caja de sorpresas
Never judge a book by its cover – Las apariencias engañan
A bad penny always turns up again – Mala hierba nunca muere
Easy does it! – Despacito y buena letra
All talk, no action – Mucho ruido y pocas nueces
To play stupid – Navegar con bandera de tonto
Never say never – Nunca digas de esta agua no beberé
Out of sight, out of mind – Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente
To hit the sack – Planchar oreja
Where there’s a will, there’s a way – Querer es poder
He met his match – Encontrar a su media naranja
I misjudged you: you let me down on the first try – Salir rana
For foolish talk, deaf ears – A palabras necias, oídos sordos
The early bird catches the worm – A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda
To beat around the bush – Andarse por las ramas
Bottoms up! – Arriba, abajo, al centro, y para adentro
To each his own – Cada oveja con su pareja
Money talks – Con dinero baila hasta el perro
When the cat’s away, the mice will play – Cuando el gato se sale, los ratones se pasean
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire – Cuando el río suena, agua lleva
From now on – De aquí en adelante
Easier said than done – Del dicho a hecho hay mucho trecho
He who lives by the sword, shall die by the sword – Quien a hierro mata a hierro muere
As quick as a wink – En menos que canta un gallo
The sooner, the better – Cuanto antes, mejor
He’s just a bag full of surprises – Ser una caja de sorpresas
Never judge a book by its cover – Las apariencias engañan
A bad penny always turns up again – Mala hierba nunca muere
Easy does it! – Despacito y buena letra
All talk, no action – Mucho ruido y pocas nueces
To play stupid – Navegar con bandera de tonto
Never say never – Nunca digas de esta agua no beberé
Out of sight, out of mind – Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente
To hit the sack – Planchar oreja
Where there’s a will, there’s a way – Querer es poder
He met his match – Encontrar a su media naranja
I misjudged you: you let me down on the first try – Salir rana
Examples of quantifiers
With Uncountable Nouns
a little/little/very little *
a bit (of)
a great deal
a large
amount of
a large
quantity of
With Both
not any
a lot of
lots of
plenty of
With Countable Nouns
a few/few/very few **
a number
a large
number of
a great
number of
a majority
few, very few mean that there is not enough
of something.
a few means that there is not a lot of something, but there is enough
a few means that there is not a lot of something, but there is enough
little, very little mean that there is not enough
of something.
a little means that there is not a lot of something, but there is enough.
a little means that there is not a lot of something, but there is enough.
too + adjective or adverb
too much/many + noun
too much/many + of + pronoun/determiner
adjective or adverb + enough
enough + noun
enough + of + pronoun/determiner
I. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers:
much, many
a. It seems to me that we've had assignments in English this term.
b. How material can we be expected to read in one week?
c. books are not in the library.
d. I've had headaches already because of stress.
e. depression can be attributed to being overworked.
III. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers:
much, many, few, little, most.
When you've gotten all the answers right, see if you can substitute other quantifiers from the list. (HINT: Three of the last four sentences could have two different answers.)
a. Our yard looks awful this summer. There are too weeds.
b. I didn't use fertilizer last spring, and that has made a difference.
c. Also, I've paid attention to how rain we've had.
d. I'm afraid it's rained times this summer, and the grass is turning brown and dying.
e. experts say you should fertilize your lawn in the fall.
f. It didn't seem to do my lawn good.
g. advice you get from experts doesn't seem to help.
h. of my neighbors ignore their grass, and they have better lawns this year.
IV. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers:
a little, little, a few, few.
Again, when you've gotten all the answers correct, go back and try substituting other quantifiers. (HINT: Three of the four can have more than one correct response.)
a. They say knowledge is a bad thing.
b. I know instances where that proves true.
c. people know as much about computers as Tomasz does.
d. But it does him good when the whole system goes down.
Answers here:
too much/many + noun
too much/many + of + pronoun/determiner
adjective or adverb + enough
enough + noun
enough + of + pronoun/determiner
I. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers:
much, many
a. It seems to me that we've had assignments in English this term.
b. How material can we be expected to read in one week?
c. books are not in the library.
d. I've had headaches already because of stress.
e. depression can be attributed to being overworked.
III. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers:
much, many, few, little, most.
When you've gotten all the answers right, see if you can substitute other quantifiers from the list. (HINT: Three of the last four sentences could have two different answers.)
a. Our yard looks awful this summer. There are too weeds.
b. I didn't use fertilizer last spring, and that has made a difference.
c. Also, I've paid attention to how rain we've had.
d. I'm afraid it's rained times this summer, and the grass is turning brown and dying.
e. experts say you should fertilize your lawn in the fall.
f. It didn't seem to do my lawn good.
g. advice you get from experts doesn't seem to help.
h. of my neighbors ignore their grass, and they have better lawns this year.
IV. In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers:
a little, little, a few, few.
Again, when you've gotten all the answers correct, go back and try substituting other quantifiers. (HINT: Three of the four can have more than one correct response.)
a. They say knowledge is a bad thing.
b. I know instances where that proves true.
c. people know as much about computers as Tomasz does.
d. But it does him good when the whole system goes down.
Answers here:
1. How ______ people are you expecting?
2. How ______ money do you want for this?
3. I don't see ______ point in continuing. We're all very tired.
4. Thank you so ______ for your help.
5. We don't stock these. We don't get ______ demand for them.
6. I feel ______ better today, thank you.
7. I like that dress very ______ .
8. There are so ______ things I want to ask you.
9. There are too ______ paintings to see in one visit.
10. I'm talking too ______ . I'll be quiet.
11. I've got so ______ news to tell you.
12. Do you have ______ work to do?
13. Thank you very ______ for coming.
14. It looks good but so ______ things could still go wrong.
15. I
don't have ______ friends.
16. Please be quick. I don't have ______ time to spare.
17. It's been a poor summer. We haven't had ______ good weather.
18. There haven't been ______ sunny days.
19. Happy
birthday. ______ happy returns!
20. I don't know ______ about English but I am learning fa
How much / How many
Make questions with How much / How many. Add punctuation.(?)
- tins of tuna / we / need
- milk / you / want / in your tea?
- bars of chocolate / they eat / each week
- cakes / she / make / for the party yesterday
- coffee / your father / drink every day
- cat food / you / buy / at the supermarket yesterday
too much,too many,enough
Complete the sentences with too,too much,too many, enough.
1. Ken is always at home. He doesn't go out
2. I don't like the weather here . There is rain
3. You are always tired.I think you work hard
4. You drink coffee. It's not good for you
5. I can't wait for them. I haven't got time
6. There was nowhere to sit on the beach. There were people
7. Our team didn't play well. We made mistakes
8. I don't like the weather here. It's cold
9. Dear friends, did you have to eat? Yes, thank you
10. You don't eat fruit, you should eat some more.
2. I don't like the weather here . There is rain
3. You are always tired.I think you work hard
4. You drink coffee. It's not good for you
5. I can't wait for them. I haven't got time
6. There was nowhere to sit on the beach. There were people
7. Our team didn't play well. We made mistakes
8. I don't like the weather here. It's cold
9. Dear friends, did you have to eat? Yes, thank you
10. You don't eat fruit, you should eat some more.
A guide to using quantifiers in English .
Quantifiers are a type of
determiner which denote imprecise quantity. They differ from numbers or
numerals which indicate precise quantity.
The most common examples:
the most common quantifiers used in English are:
the most common quantifiers used in English are:
some / any , much, many, a lot, a few, several, enough.
There are three types of quantifier;
1. neutral quantifiers,
2. quantifiers of large quantity, and
3. quantifiers of small quantity
1. neutral quantifiers,
2. quantifiers of large quantity, and
3. quantifiers of small quantity
1. Neutral
Some and any: several, a number of, etc.
Some and any are both quantifiers and
articles. In many contexts, some is the plural indefinite article, the plural
of "a" or "an"; but more often, some implies a limited
quantity, and for this reason has the value of a quantifier.
Some is used in affirmative statements; it is replaced
with any in negative and
interrogative contexts.
I've got some apples in my basket and some water in my bottle.
I haven't got any apples in my basket, nor any water in my bottle.
Have you got any apples in your basket? Have you got any water in your bottle?
We had some visitors last weekend, but we didn't have any this weekend
Have you got any rooms free for the night of September 30th ?
I've got some apples in my basket and some water in my bottle.
I haven't got any apples in my basket, nor any water in my bottle.
Have you got any apples in your basket? Have you got any water in your bottle?
We had some visitors last weekend, but we didn't have any this weekend
Have you got any rooms free for the night of September 30th ?
Several and a number of imply "more than one, but less than
a lot". They are not usually used in negative or interrogative
structures, only in affirmative statements. For example
There are several books / a
number of books by J.Z.Plummerman in our library.
Several people / A number of people said that they'd seen the missing child.
Several people / A number of people said that they'd seen the missing child.
Enough implies a sufficient quantity; it is used in affirmations,
negations and questions.
We can get tickets for the
concert, I've got enough money now.
Have you got enough money for the tickets?
Have you got enough money for the tickets?
NOTE: do not confuse enough
as a quantifier preceeding a noun, with enough as an intensifier following
an adjective, as in:
That's good enough for me.
2. Large quantity quantifiers:
much, many, lots of, plenty of, numerous, a large
number of, etc.
► Much and many: much is used with non count nouns (always in
the singular); many is used with
count nouns in the plural. (Click here for the difference between count nouns and
non-count nouns).
IMPORTANT NOTE: Much and many are not often used, in modern spoken English, in affirmative
statements; but they are very commonly used in interrogative and negative
I have many reasons for thinking that this man is innocent is acceptable, but rather formal; most English speakers would more naturally say:
I have plenty of / a lot of / a large number of reasons for thinking .....
Much whisky is of very good quality. This sentence is technically acceptable, but not probable in modern English. Most people would say (and write):
A lot of whisky / A good proportion of whisky / Plenty of whisky ......
I have many reasons for thinking that this man is innocent is acceptable, but rather formal; most English speakers would more naturally say:
I have plenty of / a lot of / a large number of reasons for thinking .....
Much whisky is of very good quality. This sentence is technically acceptable, but not probable in modern English. Most people would say (and write):
A lot of whisky / A good proportion of whisky / Plenty of whisky ......
Remember this
principle: don't use much or many in affirmative
► Lots of, a lot of, plenty
of, a large number of, numerous .
These expressions all mean more or less exactly the same. In the list above, they are arranged in order of formality, going from the most informal (lots of) to the most formal (numerous). Informal language is more appropriate in dialogue, formal language in written documents.
These expressions all mean more or less exactly the same. In the list above, they are arranged in order of formality, going from the most informal (lots of) to the most formal (numerous). Informal language is more appropriate in dialogue, formal language in written documents.
3. Small quantity quantifiers:
► few, a few, little, a little, not many, not much, a
small number of, etc.
These quantifiers are normally only used in affirmative statements, to
which they give a negative colouring.
► Little, a little, not much are used with non count nouns
(always in the singular)
Few, a few, not many are used with count nouns in the plural.
Few, a few, not many are used with count nouns in the plural.
Few people can speak more than three languages
A few (of the) paintings in this gallery are really good.
There's little point in trying to mend it. You'll never succeed!
I've got a little money left; let's go and have a drink.
Few people can speak more than three languages
A few (of the) paintings in this gallery are really good.
There's little point in trying to mend it. You'll never succeed!
I've got a little money left; let's go and have a drink.
Recapitulation: table of usage
for common English quantifiers
some, several, a number of, enough
numerous, plenty of, a lot of, lots of, too many
many, too many
many, too many
few / a few, Little / a little
5. Few or a few, little or a little ?
The difference between the two expressions in each
phrase is purely one of meaning, not of usage.
Without the article, few and little (used respectively with count nouns and non-count nouns) have the meaning of "not much/ not many, and possibly less than one might hope for or expect". These expressions have a negative value to them.
With the article, a few and a little have the meaning of "at least some, perhaps more than one might expect" . These expressions have a positive value.
Without the article, few and little (used respectively with count nouns and non-count nouns) have the meaning of "not much/ not many, and possibly less than one might hope for or expect". These expressions have a negative value to them.
With the article, a few and a little have the meaning of "at least some, perhaps more than one might expect" . These expressions have a positive value.
Few of my friends were there, so I was disappointed.
A few of my friends were there, so I was quite happy.
Hurry up; there's little time left !
We have a little time to spare, so let's stop and have a cup of coffee.
We use quantifiers when we want to give someone information about
the number of something: how much or how many.
Sometimes we use a quantifier in the place of a determiner:
Most children start school at the age of five.
We ate some bread and butter.
We saw lots of birds.
We ate some bread and butter.
We saw lots of birds.
We use these quantifiers with both count and uncount nouns:
a lot of
lots of
none of
and some more colloquial forms:
plenty of
heaps of
a load of
loads of
tons of
Some quantifiers can be used only with count nouns:
(a) few
and some more colloquial forms:
a couple
Some quantifiers can be used only with uncount nouns:
a little
(not) much
a bit of
And, particularly with abstract nouns such as time,
money, trouble, etc:, we often use:
a great
deal of
a good
deal of
Members of groups
You can put a noun after a quantifier when you are talking about members
of a group in general…
Few snakes are
Both brothers work with their father.
I never have enough money.
Both brothers work with their father.
I never have enough money.
…but if you are talking about a specific group of people or things,
use of the … as well
Few of the snakes are
All of the children live at home.
He has spent all of his money.
All of the children live at home.
He has spent all of his money.
Note that, if we are talking about two people or things we use
the quantifiers both, either and neither:
One supermarket
Two supermarkets*
More than two supermarkets
The supermarket was closed
The supermarket wasn't open
I don’t think the
supermarket was open.
Both the supermarkets were
Neither of the supermarkets
was open.
I don’t think either of the
supermarkets was open.
All the supermarkets were
None of the supermarkets
were open
I don't think any of the
supermarkets were open
*Nouns with either and neither have
a singular verb.
Singular quantifiers:
We use every or each with a singular noun to
mean all:
There was a party in every street.
There were parties in all the streets.
Every shop was decorated with flowers.
All the shops were decorated with flowers.
Each child was given a prize.
All the children were given a prize.
There was a prize in each competition.
There were prizes in all the competitions.
We often use every to talk about times like days, weeks and
When we were children we had holidays at our grandmother’s every year.
When we stayed at my grandmother’s house we went to the beach every day.
We visit our daughter every Christmas.
When we stayed at my grandmother’s house we went to the beach every day.
We visit our daughter every Christmas.
BUT: We do not use a determiner with every and each.
We do not say:
Choose the correct quantifier.
- They have had homework in mathematics recently.
- How time do you need to finish the work?
- There are too students in the library.
- Have you visited foreign country?
- Although he's very ill, he didn't take medicine.
- people know as much about linguistics as John does.
- They say knowledge is a dangerous thing.
- He's having of trouble passing his driving test.
- I spend of my time reading novels.
- He knows English. He knows enough English to manage.
Exercise 1:
Complete the following exercise with LITTLE or A LITTLE, FEW or A FEW.
1 – He was sad because he had ___________
2 – Contrary to my wife I only need
___________ minutes to get ready in the morning.
3 – A hundred years ago, ___________
teenagers could read and write in this country.
4 – All she wanted was ___________ love
and happiness.
5 – I think I'll manage with ___________
help from my friends.
6 – It is ___________ use trying to learn
all the irregular verbs.
7 – Sheila drank ___________ coffee and no
8 – Death is one of the ________ things
that can be done as easily lying down. (W. Allen)
Exercise 2:
In each gap, write either "MUCH" or "LITTLE" or "MANY" or "FEW".
When we got to the beach, ___________
people were already there, and we couldn't find
a place to sit down.
There were a ___________ empty spaces near
one end of the beach, but they were a
long way from the sea.
We walked along the beach for a
___________ while, but we didn't have ___________
fun because we kept bumping into people.
Finally, we decided to get back in the car
and go down the coast to the next beach.
This was much better; there were only a
___________ families on the beach, so there
was ___________ more room to spread out
our things.
Because we had eaten so ___________ food
in the car, all we wanted to do was lie
down, and after a ___________ minutes we
were all dozing happily in the sun.
Exercise 3:
Choose the best answer:
1. Mathematics is a subject I know very ……....
2. She's gone already? But I am only
......... minutes late!
3. "Give that beggar ......... extra
money", the old man said.
4. ......... people can live without
Exercise 4:
Choose MUCH or MANY:
1. Not much / many people understand his
2. How much / many does it cost to fly
from Paris to London?
3. How much / many brothers and sisters do
you have?
4. How much / many water do we need to
drink every day?
5. How much / many mistakes did you make
on this little test?
© W. B.
F. L. - www.ispilledthebeans.com -
Prepositions – Time
English | Usage | Example |
Prepositions – Place (Position and Direction)
English | Usage | Example |
Other important Prepositions
English | Usage | Example |
Exercises on Prepositions
GO TO http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/prepositions )
- Exercise on Prepositions – Place 1
- Exercise on Prepositions – Place 2
- Exercise on Prepositions – Place 3
- Exercise on Prepositions – Place 4
- Exercise on Prepositions – Place 5
- Exercise on Prepositions – Time 1
- Exercise on Prepositions – Time 2
- Exercise on Prepositions since and for
- See also: Date and Time
- Exercise on Prepositions – Buses
- Exercise on Prepositions – A picture
- Exercise on Prepositions – A photograph
- Exercise on Prepositions – The Wampanoag
- Exercise on Prepositions – George Washington
- Exercise on Prepositions – Henry Ford
- Exercise on Prepositions – McDonald’s
- Exercise on Prepositions – Uluru
of Place EASY)
/prepostions%20penalty%20game.html Preposition game medium
/prepostions%20penalty%20game.html Preposition game medium
Los conectores o conjunciones son palabras que usamos para unir dos o más frases o dos palabras dentro de la misma oración. Aquí tienes los conectores más comunes agrupados en categorías.
Copulativos and, not only … but also …, not only … but … as well, both … and …, no sooner … than
Disyuntivos or, either … or …, neither … nor …, whether … or …, else, otherwise
Disyuntivos or, either … or …, neither … nor …, whether … or …, else, otherwise
Condicionales if, whether, unless, provided, providing, as long as, in case, in case of
Concesivos although, though, even though, even if, despite, in spite of, not even if, regardless of
Conclusivos therefore, hence, thus, so, consequently
Continuativos then, moreover, furthermore, besides, in addition to
Adversativos but, however, nonetheless, yet, still, on the other hand, instead, instead of, on the contrary
Causales because, for, because of, as a result of, due to, owing to, since, as
Comparativos as, as … as …, not as … as …, not so … as …, just as … so …, as if, as though
Funcionales so, so that, so as to, so as not to, in order to
Connectors again...
Sentence Connectors
Cause and EffectSentence Connectors - showing Cause / Effect
Once you have mastered
Type of Connector
Coordinating conjunctions
for (cause), so (effect)
Professionals can sometimes be extremely impatient, for their positions are at times rather stressful.
Subordinating conjunctions
because, since
Since high level positions are at times rather stressful, professionals can sometimes be extremely impatient.
Conjunctive adverbs
therefore, as a result, consequently
High level positions are at times rather stressful; therefore, professionals can sometimes be extremely impatient.
because of, due to, as a result of
Due to the stressful nature of high level positions, professionals can sometimes be extremely impatient
Sentence Connectors - Showing Addition
Type of Connector
Coordinating Conjunction
High level positions are stressful at times, and can be harmful to your health.
Conjunctive adverbs
in addition, additionally, furthermore, moreover, also
High level positions are stressful at times; furthermore, they can be harmful to your health
Correlative conjunctions
not only...but also
Not only are high level positions stressful at times, but they also can be harmful to your health.
Prepositional phrases
in addition to, along with, as well as
Along with being stressful, high level positions can also be harmful to your health.
Type of Connector
Coordinating conjunction
High level positions are stressful at times, but professionals can learn to manage their stress levels.
Subordinating conjunctions
although, despite the fact that
Despite the fact that high level positions are stressful at times, professionals can learn to manage their stress levels.
Conjunctive adverbs
however, nevertheless
High level positions are stressful at times; nevertheless, professionals can learn to manage their stress levels.
Prepositional phrases
despite, in spite of
In spite of the stressful nature of high level positions, professionals can learn to manage their stress levels.
Sentence Connectors - Showing Comparison
Type of Connector
Coordinating Conjunction
High level positions are stressful, and can be harmful to your health too.
Subordinating conjunction
just as
Just as high level positions are stressful, they can be harmful to your health.
Conjunctive adverbs
similarly, in comparison
High level positions are stressful at times; similarly, they can be harmful to your health.
like, similar to
Similar to other important professions, high level business positions are stressful at times.
Sentence Connectors - Showing Contrast
Once you have mastered the basics of correct usage in written English, you will want to express yourself in increasingly complex ways. One of the best ways to improve your writing style is to use sentence connectors. Sentence connectors are used to express relationships between ideas and to combine sentences. The use of these connectors will add sophistication to your writing style.
Type of Connector
Coordinating conjunction
High level positions are stressful at times, but the financial rewards make these positions very desirable indeed.
Subordinating conjunctions
whereas, while
While high level positions are stressful at times, the financial rewards make these positions very desirable indeed.
Conjunctive adverbs
in contrast, on the other hand
level positions are stressful at times; on the other hand, the
financial rewards make these positions very desirable indeed.
Unlike the undesirable stress of high level positions, the financial rewards make these positions very desirable indee
Sentence Connectors - Showing Condition
Type of Connector
Subordinating conjunctions
if, unless, only if, even if
you consider the financial rewards of high level positions, the
stressful nature of these positions becomes less important.
Conjunctive adverb
should remember the financial rewards of high level positions;
otherwise, you might find the stressful nature of these positions too
Aquí encontraréis una lista inmensa de conectores Inglés-Español
in other words...
In spite of / despite = A pesar de
In spite of/Despite the late hour, they went on with the meeting
He arrived on time in spite of/despite getting up late.
Although, though, even though, in spite of the fact that = Aunque
Although/Though/ Even though / In spite of the fact that the pupils had
not studied as hard as they could, they all passed their exams.
However, Nevertheless, Even so = Sin embargo
She was quite ill. However/ Nevertheless/Even so, she went to school.
On the one hand...............On the other hand = Por una parte........por otra parte
On the one hand, the beach is fun. On the other hand, I don´t like the sand.
On the contrary = Al contrario
“I thought you liked classical music.” “On the contrary, I hate it.”
While, whereas = mientras
This soap opera is very interesting, while/whereas that one is quite boring
Because/As/Since/Seeing that = Porque, puesto que, ya que
We should all go home because/as/since/seeing that it´s late
Because of/On account of/Owing to/ Due to = A causa de, debido a
We stayed at home because of/on account of/owing to/due to the weather.
In order to, so as to, to = Para, con la finalidad de
She uses her video in order to/so as to/to record her favourite shows
For example/for instance = por ejemplo
Vegetables are a good source of vitamins; for example/for instance,
pepper has vitamin C.
Such as = tal(es) como, como
Singers such as Michael Jacson and Madonna are popular throughout the
Moreover, furthermore, besides, in addition = Además
I´m too busy to take a holiday. Moreover/Furthermore/Besides/In addition,
I don´t have the money.
In addition to/ As well as = Además de
In addition to classical music, she likes jazz.
The city has several main roads as well as a ring road aroung it.
Apart from, except (for) = Aparte de, excepto
Apart from English, she speaks three other foreign languages
He eats nothing except (for) bread and fish.
First of all/To begin with/First/ Firstly = Lo primero de todo, en
primer lugar.
First of all/To begin with/First/Firstly, we should talk to the manager.
Second/Secondly, Then = En segundo lugar, después
Second/Secondly/Then, we must make a detailed plan.
The next stage is = El siguiente paso es
The next stage is to view...
Finally/In short/To sum up/In conclusion/Lastly but not least =
Finalmente/En resumen/En conclusión/Por último/Último pero
no de menor importancia.
Finally/In short/To sum up/In conclusion/Lastly but not least, we
need to have good ideas before we present our plan to the whole
Therefore/As a result /Consequently/For this reason= Por lo
tanto, Como resultado, Por consiguiente, Por esta razán.
Tina keeps her car in good condition. Therefore/As a result /
Consequently/For this reason, it always passes its annual road test.
A. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences. Use the words in brackets.
1. Owing to my illness, I cancelled my holiday. (because)
2. In my family, we all have long conversations on the phone. Consequently,our phone bills are high. (result)
3. Although the jacket was expensive, he bought it. ( in spite of)
4. My brother is very busy at work. My sister is on holiday. (whereas)
5. There is a shopping centre in this town and many small shops as well. (In addition)
6. Despite his age, he´s very active. (although)
7. Despite the doctor´s advice to stop smoking, she hasn´t stopped. (even though)
8. I took a cookery course in order to be able to make special dishes. (so that)
9. Contrary to me, my sister is an excellent swimmer. (whereas)
10. He drove through a red light and was given a ticket. (as a result)
11. There are many methods of communicating nowadays, for example, letters, faxes and E-mail. (such)
12. Everyone arrived at school on time with the exception of Jack. (for)
Actual: real, verdaderoActually: en realidadAdvice: consejo Argument: discusión Carpet: alfombra, moqueta Casualty: víctima, baja en combate Conference: congreso Constipation: estreñimiento Diversion: desvío Educated: culto Embarrassed: avergonzado Exciting: interesante, entretenido, emocionante. Exit: salida Flan: tarta de frutas Gracious: afable, cortés Idiom: modismo, dicho Illusion: espejismo Large: grande Lecture: Conferencia Library: biblioteca Miserable: triste Misery: tristeza Motorist: conductor de coche Notice: anuncio, letrero, aviso Parcel: paquete Parents: padres Petrol: gasolina Scholar: erudito, sabio, estudioso Sensible: sensato Stranger: forastero Sympathetic: compasivo Vicious: agresivo, feroz | Actual: present-day, modernActualmente: currently, at presentAviso: warning Argumento: plot, story Carpeta: file, folder Casualidad: chance, accident Conferencia: lecture, talk Constipado: cold Diversión: fun Educado: polite, well-mannered Embarazada: pregnant Excitante: stimulating Éxito: success Flan: caramel custard Gracioso: funny Idioma: language Ilusión: hope, thrill Largo: long Lectura: reading Librería: bookshop Miserable: shameful Miseria: poverty Motorista: motorcyclist Noticia: news item Parcela: plot of land Parientes: relatives Petróleo: petroleum, crude oil Escolar: schoolchild Sensible: sensitive Extranjero: foreigner Simpático: nice, pleasant Vicioso: dissolute person |
7.- PAU WRITINGS. Useful guidelines.
Cómo escribir diferentes tipos de ensayo (composiciones) narrativo,persuasivo,descriptivo...
Cómo hacer una buena redacción. Algunos puntos básicos:
Una buena redacción tiene tres partes:
1. Introducción
- Puedes empezar con un párrafo como introducción en el cual hables de tu experiencia personal, presentando el tema que vas a tratar. Para comenzar puedes resumir algunos de los principales argumentos en contra de tu punto de vista: Some people argue that..., Many people think that..., It is said that...
2. Cuerpo
- Establece tu opinión personal de forma clara y muestra datos, cifras y ejemplos que apoyen tu punto de vista:According to..., Statistics show...
- En un nuevo párrafo, discute las ventajas según las ves. No olvides utilizar conectores. Para comparar o contrastar dos cosas utiliza: Both (of them), On the one hand, On the other hand, In spite of (the fact that), In comparison with, On the contrary
- En otro párrafo puedes hablar de las desventajas o inconvenientes.
- Las siguientes palabras y expresiones te pueden ser útiles para mostrar tu opinión: Personally, I think... Fortunately/unfortunately, Obviously, In my opinion, I believe , I agree/disagree (with/that), It seems to me, From my point of view, As far as I'm concerned, To be honest, I am in favour of, I am for, I am against, The way I see it.
3. Conclusión
- Finalmente, escribe una breve conclusión resumiendo lo que has dicho. Puedes decir si crees que hay más ventajas que inconvenientes. También puedes ofrecer una solución o advertir de las consecuencias si no se toman las medidas necesarias para hacer frente al problema. Para indicar la conclusión puedes utilizar: In conclusion, Finally, In summary, To sum up, In short, Therefore, Thus.
Para que las ideas estén conectadas de forma clara y lógica hay que:
- Repetir los nombres clave a lo largo de la redacción.
- Usar pronombres para referirse a los nombres clave.
- Escribir las oraciones siguiendo un orden lógico y utilizando conectores tales como: First, Second, Then, Later, Next, Since then, Finally.
- Los conectores son muy importantes para unir ideas: Moreover, Whereas, For instance, Furthermore, such as, Although, However, In contrast.(Ver listado anterior o visitar páginahttp://heptagrama.com/connectors-glossary.htm )
Es importante que expresemos nuestras ideas y argumentos correctamente. A continuación tienes un recordatorio de algunas reglas básicas a la hora de escribir:
Orden de los elementos de la oración en frases afirmativas y negativas. En inglés hay un orden establecido. Cada oración debe tener un sujeto y un verbo, aunque puede haber otras partes de la oración. El orden básico es:
Sujeto + verbo + c. indirecto + c. directo + c.c. modo + c.c. lugar + c.c. tiempo
- Isolvedthe problemquicklyat homeyesterdaySVC.D.C.C. modoC.C. lugarC.C. tiempo
- Las expresiones de tiempo también pueden ir al principio de una oración.
- Los complementos indirecto y directo deben ir detrás del verbo.
- Los adverbios (de frecuencia y otros) van a menudo delante del verbo principal (pero detrás del verbo BE -am/is/are/was/were). Si hay dos o más verbo, normalmete van delante del segundo verbo.
I also like her but she is still living in an imaginary world that she has recently created.
- Cuando tenemos un complemento indirecto y otro directo, el indirecto se coloca a menudo delante del directo:
a book
aunque también se puede decir:
a book
to him
Orden de los elementos de la oración en preguntas: Hay tres posibles modelos:
Do you live here? What did you see ? Why does she live here?2.-- (Pronombre interrogativo complemento)+Verbo1+Sujeto+Verbo2 (+verbo3+verbo4)[+ complementos]
Where would you go? Why would she have to do it? Has your sister finished it?
3.-- Pronombre interrogativo (como sujeto) + verbo [+ complementos]
Who invited you to the party? = ¿Quién te invitó a la fiesta?
What happened then? : ¿Qué pasó entonces?
Orden de los elementos de la oración en preguntas indirectas: Las preguntas indirectas siguen el modelo de las oraciones afirmativas o negativas:
Subjeto + verbo
He asked me who she was.
He wanted to know where she lived
Consejos de una estudiante (quizás o parezcan útiles):
1.- Tipo de texto que nos piden ( narración, texto de opinión..etc).
2.- Tema a tratar ( para ello es importante estar al día de temas de actualidad,leer periodico, ver noticias...)
3.- Hacer un listado de vocabulario que conozcamos sobre el tema para incluirlo en la redacción.
4.- Hacer un listado de conectores ( esto da mucho prestigio al texto que escribamos. La puntuación sera por lo tanto mejor)
5.- Incluir diferentes tiempo verbales (sobre todo en narraciones)
6.- No complicarnos la vida con frases largas y complejas. Mejor :Sujeto+ verbo+ complementos ( Nota: podemos utilizar algún relativo pero sin abusar)
7.-Olvidarnos del Spanglish. Nos
resulta muy fácil hacer traducciones literales de expresiones hechas y
eso queda horrible. Es mejor aprenderse unos cuantos proverbios o
frases hechas de las más utilizadas y olvidarse de lo anterior.
8.-Hacer un listado de expresiones adaptadas a nuestro nivel para
demostrar a quien nos lo corrija que lo tenemos. Imagínate que estás
en un nivel avanzado y por ejemplo solo escribes en presente simple, no
utilizas conectores, ni frases gramaticales que has aprendido o que se
corresponden con el nivel que dices que tienes pensarán que tienen un
nivel muy elemental.
9.-Utilizar un vocabulario rico.
Para ello son muy utiles los "diccionarios visuales" que agrupan el
vacabulario por familias tipo: la salud, la natualeza, el cuerpo humano,
la moda, la religión..etc..)
10- Tener en cuenta que el medio escrito es mucho más formal que el oral.
Consejos de otro alumno:
C) Composition
A este apartado se le concede un valor máximo de 4 puntos.
- Se te ofertarán dos posibilidades o temas para redactar. Podrás escoger el que prefieras, pero no olvides indicarlo claramente.
- Antes de empezar a escribir piensa cómo vas a estructurar la composición.
- Trata de darle esta estructura: introducción, cuerpo, conclusión/es.
- Analiza qué tipo de composición te piden que escribas: ¿se trata de dar argumentos a favor y/o en contra de una postura? = texto argumentativo, ¿se trata de contar (narrar) una experiencia personal? = texto narrativo, ¿se trata de una carta formal/informal?, etc.
- Medita cuál va a ser la/s idea/s que quieres transmitir en tu composición.
- Piensa qué estructuras vas a utilizar para transmitir por escrito tu/s idea/s.
- Trata de utilizar un vocabulario rico, no te quedes en palabras "comodín" que "valen para todo" y expresan poco: 'nice', 'beautiful', 'big', 'a thing', 'an object', etc.
- Puntúa adecuadamente. No abuses de las comas.
- Huye de las oraciones excesivamente largas.
- Enriquece tu composición con una gama variada de conectores que vayas graduando según la parte de la composición en que te encuentres: al principio: 'firstly', 'to begin with'; posteriormente: 'secondly', etc. Piensa si quieres contrastar ideas ('on the other hand', 'however', 'nevertheless', etc.), si quieres dar razones ('because', 'so', 'therefore'), añadir nuevas razones ('moreover', 'for instance', 'furthermore', 'besides', etc.), etc.)
- Procura redactar "con mentalidad inglesa", es decir, debes tener muy claro lo que quieres decir, pero evitar "decirlo en español". Acude a tus conocimientos de inglés, aplica la teoría gramatical para expresarte en inglés. Plantéate, ¿cómo se expresa esta idea en inglés? (Escribe "ideas" no "palabras").
- Antes de terminar, revisa lo que has escrito: ¿es clara mi forma de redactar?, ¿se entiende bien lo que deseo expresar?, ¿van los adjetivos calificativos en la posición adecuada?, ¿concuerdan los tiempos de los verbos en las oraciones compuestas? ¿hay concordancia entre el sujeto de la oración y el verbo? ¿he escrito las "s" de las terceras personas de singular del 'present simple'?, ¿están los elementos de la oración en posición adecuada? ¿he puesto los auxiliares en las interrogativas que lo requieran?, ¿he tenido cuidado con "los falsos amigos", etc.
Modelo composición en inglés
begin with, I would like to say that is a controversial matter and it
is very difficult to give just one point of view. In fact, if we asked
people what they thougt about it we would find a lot of different ideas.
On the
one hand, we can say that
_______________________________________________________ has many
adventages, for example:
on the other hand, we can also find some disadvantages, such us:
From my
point of view:
2. Producción escrita
Elaboración de un texto libre de entre 130 y 150 palabras. 18
3. Consignas para la pregunta de producción escrita
La consigna para la pregunta de producción deberá cumplir los siguientes requisitos:
— Contextualizar debidamente la situación de producción (quién escribe, a quién, con qué
finalidad, etc.).
— Marcar la relación que la producción solicitada tiene con el texto presentado:
• Cambiar el tema y conservar la estructura o viceversa.
• Cambiar el punto de vista enunciativo (uno de los personajes cuenta el mismo episodio
desde su punto de vista).
• Cambiar el género del discurso (argumentación personal).
• Sobre el tema o sobre algún problema que presenta el texto.
4. Tipos de texto que pueden solicitarse y extensión del mismo
Se podrá pedir que los alumnos produzcan un texto de entre 130 y 150 palabras a elegir entre los
siguientes tipos:
— Narración.
— Descripción.
— Argumentación.
— Explicación.
5. Criterios para la elección de textos
Los textos que aparezcan en la prueba corresponderán a los listados bajo el epígrafe «géneros de
— Autenticidad. Se utilizarán textos originales o adaptados por los especialistas procedentes de
prensa u otras publicaciones. Por lo tanto, se podrán modificar aquellos elementos léxicos o
gramaticales que se consideren oportunos.
— Longitud. Se establece en la normativa un número de 250 palabras. Sin embargo, debido a la
dificultad de encontrar textos auténticos que se ciñan exactamente a ese número, se podrá utilizar
éste como referente procurando no sobrepasar esa cifra.
— Especificidad del tema. Los textos elegidos no deben tratar temas que requieran el empleo de un
léxico muy específico que haga difícil la comprensión a un alumnado que no esté familiarizado
con él. Así pues se descartarán temas específicos que pudieran tratarse en clase (científicos,
técnicos, etc.).
— Cerramiento del texto. Se procurará elegir textos completos, es decir, que aunque sean
fragmentos de secuencias más amplias presenten un principio y un final que permita una
comprensión independiente.
— Contextualización. El texto se presentará debidamente contextualizado con un título (si así se
presenta en el original) e indicando su procedencia y la fecha en caso de ser una información de
— Formato. Se intentará respetar el formato del documento original cuando sea posible para que se
puedan utilizar las marcas tipográficas como recursos para la comprensión. 19
— Dificultad del léxico. La palabra o palabras que presenten dificultad para la comprensión del
texto serán traducidas o explicadas al pie de texto. Sin embargo, y por que se quiere potenciar la
utilización de estrategias de comprensión lectora, esta ayuda sólo se ofrecerá si no hay pistas en
el texto que faciliten la comprensión de las mismas.
6. Temas
Los temas que aparecen en este listado han sido seleccionados del temario siguiendo el criterio del
epígrafe «especificidad del tema». Los textos elegidos para la prueba podrán tratar de los siguientes
— Medio ambiente o ecología.
— Salud o alimentación.
— Consumo.
— Medios de comunicación.
— Aspectos de la vida juvenil.
• Ocio, entretenimiento (modas, música, etc.).
• Estudios, problemas, perspectivas de trabajo.
• Participación social.
— Conmemoraciones o acontecimientos de repercusión mundial (Juegos Olímpicos, etc.).
— Vidas, anécdotas, etc., de personajes conocidos.
— Viajes y comunicaciones.
— Deportes.
— Hábitat.
— Trabajo/organización social.
— Papel del hombre y de la mujer en la sociedad.
— Conflicto y cambio.
— Tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones,
Parte B. Producción escrita. Valor total de este apartado 4 puntos.
En esta parte se podrá pedir que los alumnos produzcan un texto de 130-150 palabras.
En este apartado se ha de valorar la capacidad de comunicación del alumno en un inglés aceptable al expresar
su opinión e ideas sobre aspectos relacionados con el texto propuesto. Habrá que valorar cuanto de positivo
haya podido llevar a cabo el alumno y no fijarse únicamente en los errores gramaticales. Sería fundamental
considerar los siguientes aspectos:
1.- Aspectos de carácter estratégico: con un máximo de 0,5 puntos.
2.- Corrección gramatical: con un máximo de 1,5 puntos.
3.- Claridad de expresión y organización textual: con un máximo de 1 punto.
4.- Variedad, riqueza y precisión léxica: con un máximo de 1 punto.
1.- Aspectos de carácter estratégico:
- Presentación clara y ordenada (márgenes, sangrados etc.)
- Ortografía correcta.
- Texto distribuido en párrafos.
- Uso correcto de signos de puntuación.
- Letra clara y comprensible.
- Escrito en tinta.
- …
2.- Corrección gramatical:
- Orden correcto de los elementos frásticos (SVO…)
- Concordancias correctas (S-V, Pronombres referentes…)
- Formas pronominales correctas 22
- Cuantificadores correctos
- Estructuración negativa correcta
- Tiempos y secuencias verbales adecuados y correctos
- Partículas temporales adecuadas (FOR, SINCE, AGO, ALREADY)
- Uso adecuado de artículos (genéricos, específicos…)
- Uso correcto del posesivo
- Conocimiento de los plurales irregulares
- Uso correcto de modales y defectivos
- Invariabilidad de los adjetivos (género y número)
- Uso correcto de las preposiciones
- …
3.- Claridad de expresión y organización textual:
- Secuenciación y organización del texto clara y lógica
- No hay excesivas repeticiones
- No es un texto confuso y oscuro
- Uso adecuado de conectores para las diferentes ideas
- Aproximación al tema coherente y original.
- Estructuración de las ideas en párrafos.
- …
4.- Variedad, riqueza y precisión léxica:
- No se usan palabras en español ni inexistentes
- Elección de términos específicos y concretos para ese texto
- No existe confusión entre elementos léxicos básicos
- No hay confusión entre categorías gramaticales.
- No existe un abuso desmesurado de expresiones idiomáticas.
Notas de corte
Notas de corte
8.- A lot of links to interesting websites
http://a4esl.org/ (Grammar & quizzes)
http://www.ego4u.com/ (TODOS LOS NIVELES)
http://www.isabelperez.com/ NIVELES ESO
btnG=Buscar+con+Google&meta= TODOS NIVELES
btnG=Buscar+con+Google&meta= TODOS NIVELES
http://www.smic.be/smic5022/ TODOS LOS NIVELES
http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/ intermediate level
http://www.englishclub.com/reading/index.htm (Advanced)
http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/grammar_list/prepositions.htm (intermediate) http://www.englishforjapanese.com/exercises/prepositions/01%20preps.html (elementary/intermediate&advanced level)
http://www.englishpage.com/prepositions/prepositions.html PREPOSITIONS & PHRASAL VERBS (very good upper intermediate-advanced)
http://www.englishclub.com/grammar/prepositions-list.htm List of prepositions http://www.towson.edu/ows/prepositions.htm
http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/594/01/ Prepositions explained (lower intermediate) http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises_list/prepositions.htm
Exercises on prepositions
Typical proposition mistakes
PREPOSITIONS Answers at http://www.englishexercises.org/exercise.asp?id=5309#a
1. My birthday is _______ December 25.
1. The course starts _______ January 30.
2. The milk is _______ the glass.
2. We’ll send Easter cards _____ our friends.
3. The mother is yelling _______ her son.
3. Stop making faces _______ me.
4. My father works _______ a factory.
4. Are you going _______ the party tonight?
5. The teacher is talking _______ the students.
5. Dany is mad _______ his brother.
6. She’s going _______ the store to buy milk.
6. She lives _______ 22 Main Street.
7. Claude is making faces _______ Massa.
7. Will you please turn _______ the radio?
8. My friend’s birthday is _______ Tuesday.
8. Diane's birthday is _______ April.
9. She is yelling _______ her daughter.
9. I live _______ Montreal.
10. She is better _______ French.
10. Kathy drives _______ work everyday.
11. The post office is_______ Cathart Street.
11. Martine stood _______ the blackboard.
12. I saw her _______ church yesterday.
12. I always go ____ church __ Sunday.
13. Nathalie is laughing _______ her brother.
13. My brother lives _______ Montréal.
14. Suzanne works _______ the bank.
14. He arrived _______ 3 :00
15. Summer starts _______ June.
15. She comes _______ school by bus.
16. I’m going the movies _______ 8 :00
16. Can you be _______ time tomorrow?
17. We listen _______ music.
17. Tell him to come _______ 4 :00
18. They smiled _______ the cute kittens.
18. We have no school _______ Friday.
19. Isabelle is interested _______ leaning English.
19. I’ll go home _______ the afternoom.
20. We saw our father ___ television last night
20. She’s talking ___ her mom __ the phone.
IN – ON - AT Fill in the blanks with In, On, At.
1. Nancy lives _______ Toronto.
1. Please turn _______ the radio.
2. The train arrived _______ Montreal at 10 :00
2. We moved to Beloeil _______ July 1.
3. Kathy lives _______ 2 Queen Boulevard.
3. I put sugar and milk _______ my coffee.
4. We arrived in class _______ time.
4. Mom! Lisa is _______ the phone again!
5. Are you interested _______ sports?
5. Labor Day is _______ September.
6. The bookstore is _______ Elgin Street.
6. Supper will be ready _______ a few minutes.
7. Will you go _______ vacation this summer?
7. The All-Star Game will be _______ July 28.
8. I prefer to study _______ the morning.
8. Ann and Norm got married _______ 1993.
9. Will you participate _______ the tournament?
9. Isabelle is _______ school.
10. My birthday is _______ January.
10. The meeting is _______ the afternoon.
11. Adults don’t believe _______ Santa Claus.
11. This program is taped _____ New York City.
12. Chantal's office is _______ Arten Street.
12. Valentine’s Day is _______ February.
13. He graduated _______ 1993. 13. School starts _______ three weeks.
14. His birthday is _______ April 4.
14. I’m cold so I’ll put _______ a sweater.
15. She’s sitting _______ my office.
15. Put your plate _______ the dishwasher.
16. My keys are _______ my purse.
16. She always calls me early _______ the morning.
17. My parents will return _______ 2 days.
17. The movie will start _______ five minutes.
18. Look! Suzanne is _______ TV.
18. She lives _______ Crescent Avenue.
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